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Translator Testing Data Model

Data model to formalize the structure of test assets, cases, suites and related metadata applied to run the diverse polymorphic testing objectives for the Biomedical Data Translator system.


Name: Translator-Testing-Model


Class Description
BenchmarkTestSuite JsonObj(is_a='TestSuite')
TestEntity Abstract global 'identification' class shared as a parent with all major model classes within the data model for Translator testing.
        Precondition Represents a precondition for a TestCase
        TestAsset Represents a Test Asset, which is a single specific instance of TestCase-agnostic semantic parameters representing the specification of a Translator test target with inputs and (expected) outputs.
                AcceptanceTestAsset Model derived from Jenn's test asset design and Shervin's runner JSON here as an example.
                TestEdgeData Represents a single Biolink Model compliant instance of a subject-predicate-object edge that can be used for testing.
        TestCase Represents a single enumerated instance of Test Case, derived from a given collection of one or more TestAsset instances (the value of the 'test_assets' slot) which define the 'inputs' and 'outputs' of the TestCase, used to probe a particular test condition.
                AcceptanceTestCase See AcceptanceTestAsset above for more details.
                QuantitativeTestCase Assumed additional model from Shervin's runner JSON here as an example. This schema is not yet complete.
        TestCaseResult The outcome of a TestRunner run of one specific TestCase.
        TestMetadata Represents metadata related to (external SME, SMURF, Translator feedback, large scale batch, etc.) like the provenance of test assets, cases and/or suites.
        TestOutput The output of a TestRunner run of one specific TestCase.
        TestResultPKSet Primary keys for a given ARA result set from a SmokeTest result for a given TestCase.
        TestRunSession Single run of a TestRunner in a given environment, with a specified set of test_entities (generally, one or more instances of TestSuite).
        TestSuite Specification of a set of Test Cases, one of either with a static list of 'test_cases' or a dynamic 'test_suite_specification' slot values. Note: at least one slot or the other, but generally not both(?) needs to be present.
                AcceptanceTestSuite None
                OneHopTestSuite Test case for testing the integrity of "One Hop" knowledge graph retrievals sensa legacy SRI_Testing harness.
                StandardsComplianceTestSuite Test suite for testing Translator components against releases of standards like TRAPI and the Biolink Model.
        TestSuiteSpecification Parameters for a Test Case instances either dynamically generated from some external source of Test Assets.
TestEntityParameter A single 'tag = value' pair (where 'value' is a simple string).
        Qualifier None


Slot Description
answer_informal_concept An answer that is returned from the test case, note: this must be combined wi...
association Specific Biolink Model association 'category' which applies to the test asset...
biolink_object_aspect_qualifier The aspect of the object of the test asset predicate
biolink_object_direction_qualifier The direction of the object of the test asset predicate
biolink_predicate the predicate in Biolink model corresponding to the shorthand predicate name ...
biolink_qualified_predicate The qualified_predicate in Biolink model corresponding to the shorthand predi...
biolink_subject_aspect_qualifier The aspect of the subject of the test asset predicate
biolink_subject_direction_qualifier The direction of the subject of the test asset predicate
biolink_version Biolink Model release (SemVer string)
components The component that this test case is intended to run against
description A human-readable description for a Test Entity
direction The direction of the expected query result triple
expected_result The expected result of the query
id A unique identifier for a Test Entity
must_pass_date The date by which this test must pass
must_pass_environment The deployment environment within which this test must pass
name A human-readable name for a Test Entity
notes The notes of the query
parameter Name of a TestParameter
pks Primary keys for a given ARA result set from a SmokeTest result for a given T...
qualifiers Optional qualifiers which constrain to the test asset defined knowledge state...
query_node The node of the (templated) TRAPI query to replace
query_type Type of TestCase query
results The results of a TestRunner run of one specific TestCase
scientific_question The full human-readable scientific question a SME would ask, which is encoded...
string_entry The object of the core triple to be tested
tags A human-readable tags for categorical memberships of a TestEntity (preferably...
test_annotations Metadata annotation
test_assets List of explicitly enumerated Test Assets
test_case Slot referencing a single TestCase
test_case_id CURIE id of a TestCase registered in the system
test_case_objective Testing objective behind specified set of test particulars (e
test_case_result Encoded result of a single test run of a given test case
test_case_results One or more instances of TestCaseResult
test_case_source Provenance of a specific set of test assets, cases and/or suites
test_cases List of explicitly enumerated Test Cases
test_data_file_format File format of test entity data (e
test_data_file_locator An web accessible file resource link to test entity data (e
test_entities One or more instances of TestEntity, generally of class TestAsset, TestCase o...
test_entity_parameters One or more 'tag = value' parameters documenting target characteristics of a ...
test_env Deployment environment within which the associated TestSuite is run
test_metadata Test metadata describes the external provenance, cross-references and objecti...
test_objective Testing objective behind specified set of test particulars (e
test_persona A Test persona describes the user or operational context of a given test
test_reference Document URL where original test source particulars are registered (e
test_run_parameters TestRunSession parameters informing a TestHarness about the global characteri...
test_runner_name Global system name of a TestRunner
test_runner_settings Scalar parameters for the TestRunner processing a given TestEntity
test_source Provenance of a specific set of test assets, cases and/or suites
test_suite_id CURIE id of a TestSuite registered in the system
test_suite_specification Declarative specification of a Test Suite of Test Cases whose generation is d...
timestamp Date time when a given entity was created
top_level The answer must return in these many results
trapi_template A template for a query, which can be used to generate a query for a test case
trapi_version TRAPI version (SemVer string)
value (String) value of a TestParameter


Enumeration Description
ComponentEnum Translator components are identified by their InfoRes identifiers
ExpectedOutputEnum Expected output values for instances of Test Asset or Test Cases(?)
ExpectedResultsEnum Does this Enum overlap with 'ExpectedOutputEnum' above?
FileFormatEnum Text file formats for test data sources
NodeEnum Target node of a Subject-Predicate-Object driven query
QueryTypeEnum Query
SemanticSeverityEnum From Jenn's worksheet, empty or ill defined (needs elaboration)
TestEnvEnum Testing environments within which a TestSuite is run by a TestRunner schedule...
TestPersonaEnum User persona context of a given test


Type Description
AssociationCategory A category type within the Biolink Model ('biolink' namespace) 'biolink:Assoc...
Boolean A binary (true or false) value
CategoryType A primitive type in which the value denotes a class within the biolink model
ConceptCategory A category type within the Biolink Model ('biolink' namespace) 'biolink:Named...
Curie a compact URI
Date a date (year, month and day) in an idealized calendar
DateOrDatetime Either a date or a datetime
Datetime The combination of a date and time
Decimal A real number with arbitrary precision that conforms to the xsd:decimal speci...
Double A real number that conforms to the xsd:double specification
Float A real number that conforms to the xsd:float specification
Integer An integer
Jsonpath A string encoding a JSON Path
Jsonpointer A string encoding a JSON Pointer
Ncname Prefix part of CURIE
Nodeidentifier A URI, CURIE or BNODE that represents a node in a model
Objectidentifier A URI or CURIE that represents an object in the model
PredicateType A CURIE from the Biolink Model ('biolink' namespace) 'biolink:related_to' hie...
Sparqlpath A string encoding a SPARQL Property Path
String A character string
Time A time object represents a (local) time of day, independent of any particular...
Uri a complete URI
Uriorcurie a URI or a CURIE


Subset Description